Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Cool things going on!
Autumn is doing great she is so sad that her 1st grade friends are not very nice. Poor girl. I feel kinda sad for her but am trying to teach her that she is able to be kind to people and not be run over.
The other night we had the privelage of going to the MAVS game with really good seats and we took the 2 babies. They loved it and afterwards we went to the Channel 8 News staition. Autumn got to talk to Pete Delkus she was so amazed that she got to be where they are doing the news!
We were driving down the road and she told Eli and I that she was going to build herself a PINK house (when she grew up) and have a PINK LIMO parked in her garage and all her furniture would be PINK as well. Do you want to guess what her favorite color is HA!
Riley is loving preschool although he always tells me he doesn't like it! He is just a boogger! He can do most of the things they had asked him on his progress report that he got! For his birthday he told me he wants a TOOL BOX from Sears (The big red one) and for his 6th birthday he wants a Welding torch REALLY I am amazed at this little boy. Just now he told me for his birthday he wanted to go to SEARS (don't most little boys who are 5 want to go to the Toy Store??) Eli went and picked him up a small gift for Christmas and he got the boy a Tool Belt and a new hammer.
We were blessed to be able to go to the Extreme Home Makeover Site this past weekend and the Kids were amazed! We were going to do the Reveal Day (Yes I was taking the out of school early to go) and we decided the morning of that it was TOOOOOOO cold to stand out there that long!!
Tonight we have been blessed again to be able to take the kids to the Dallas Symphony The kids should have fun! They love to be conducters themselves so it should be interesting what tomorrow holds :)
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
I have suffered the most horrible horrible head cold that I remember having. I just want to lay flat on my back and sleep. I am feeling better today thank goodness.
My inlaws got me a Wii for my b-day I think they may want an excuse to buy us one so they can play it also! And for Christmas we are going to the great Wolf Lodge to stay for 1 night! that is our Christmas present to our whole family! I am not stressed about Christmas and it makes me happy! I gotta finish my work so I can BOWL on the Wii! Who wants to come play?????????????
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Immediately.... and Haloween
Last night Riley told Eli something and said he wanted it "Immediately" (I guess I say that too many times)
This morning on our way out (Riley and I) he told me we need to hurry and find a dog cause our cat is boring!
At T-ball practice today he climbed out of the car (Like they do on Dukes of Hazard) and I told him that we do not do that Do you know what he said?????? "I am just trying to show off Mom" Really what 4 year old tells you that????
He is one FUNNY Kid!
Autumn is such a sweety at school I went and had lunch with her at her school (the 1st time this year so far) and I took her Rosas. She was so excited that I came to eat with her. She gets to choose one friend to sit with us!
She is going to be a Dr for Haloween And Riley is going to be a HOT DOG SERIOUSLY...
The 80's party was a blast there were some very well dressed 80's clothing! It is always fun to get together with others and have a great time together!
Fall Carnival is Sat so we will have 1 very crazy crazy Sat!! Should be fun :)
Friday, October 17, 2008
Crazy crazy crazy!
Our fall school carnival is comming up so we have been trying to get parents to volunteer to help with that is a job within itself and it is frustrating........... And we have an 80's party that we have to dress up for YIKES Pictures are going to be FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Scary but funny!!! I am loving this weather LOVING IT! The kids actually get to wear fall clothes since I am soooooooooo stinkin sick of the summer clothes!!
We also picked up the kids haloween costumes Those pictures to come also!!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Broken Heart
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Riley funny
Last night after LifeHouse we rushed home to get in bed and Riley didn't go to sleep. So we let him get up a bit longer and when we did put him to bed he told Eli
" I LOVE YOU LONGER THAN THE LONGEST BIBLE VERSE IN THE WORLD" We read a very cute book that says something along those lines but it was FUNNY!! I tell you that boy NEVER ceases to amaze me with what he says!!
Going to work at Autumn's school (School carnival is comming up)
Friday, October 3, 2008
More later Eli just walked in the door from golfing :)
Monday, September 29, 2008
On another note today I have a dentist appt OHHHH I HATE THE DENTIST I have had soooooo many bad experiences with them in the past I put it off so long.
For the last 2 nights the kids have had a "sleepover" on Autumn's floor so we put out a comforter and pillows and they had a sleepover. They are such goof balls.
Off to another week I guess I hope I feel no pain soon .
Monday, September 22, 2008
Love it
Saturday, September 13, 2008
What God has been doing??
I am finnally growing in ways that I can finally see and learn from. God has stretched me SOOO much and given me more than I thought I could take. I think I have finally found something that I am meant to be doing. I find JOY in it I am excited, I am happy, I am not stressed about it, When I talk about it I get giddy!! I love serving with those sweet kids LOVE IT! Funny how 12 or 13 years ago I did not want to be a Mom, did not want to be a SAHM for sure, wanted to be in Law School had major plans for my life. I got pregnant with Zack and went back to work when he turned 6 weeks old, and worked a lot. After Eli and I married and had Autumn I always knew I would go back to work. Well after she was born I had the priveledge of staying home with her. Then we had Riley and still staying home! I never never thought I would be smack dab in the middle of a Church Plant working in the Children's Department.
It is amazing when you finally realize that Satan is attacking you and you can defend yourself with God's Word and by reconizing that Satan is attacking you. It has taken me a LONG LONG time to figure that out!
I had a conversation with my sweet friend on Tuesday morning telling her I was going to come to her Life Group and then about 2 minutes later I texted her and told her I can't go. WHY you ask just because I all of a sudden felt unprepared for the Launch, overwhelmed, nervous, stressed, and basically like I am a horrible Children's leader, a horrible leader in general. I reconized pretty quickly Satan was filling my head and I spent a bit of time in prayer and immersed in god's Word. I am just wondering just what excactly my sweet frien Kelly was thinking that morning :) and poor Riley was wondering WHY he had to get dressed and then just sit and watch a movie.
He called me last night and said Hey Mom whats up? as the conversation progresses he finally got to what he really called me about a phone number of a GIRL here in the area! And for money :) Why else would a 12 year old call his mommy on a Friday night!
Oh and he had to hang up cause his friend was comming back in the room :P
I am amazed at what a young man he is becomming, I am in disbelief that he is almost 13 FREAKING YEARS OLD CRAZY!!
School is well he is doing his work so far and keeping out of trouble so far!
His new sayings (most are what his mommy says :) )
- Uhhhhhhh YEA (I always say that I guess)
- Obviously (He says this to his sister often)
Monday, September 8, 2008
Soccer and T-ball
We had our first Soccer game Sat Autumn played the WHOLE HOUR! And we moved up to the bigger fields so it was about a half extra field. Her calves were killing her that night and Sunday.
She is a VERY dramatic child I thought it would get better but not yet! On Thursday we went to see a sweet friends baby and we had Soccer practice so I took her workout clothes and all the soccer gear and changed there. We forgot her shoes (school) there and the next morning she had a DRAMA Attack before school cause she didn't have her BLACK SHOES and had to wear lace up tennis shoes with socks OH THE HORROR.
Along with the we don't like her as much as we like Riley and we have a full day of drama!
Riley had his first T-ball game as well and he really loves it! His new thing is to blame everything from hitting his sister, to makng a mess on someone that doesn't live with us It is pretty comical! And yesterday morning on the way to church Autumn was talking and talking and talking and he said SHUT YOUR MOUTH I am not sure where he heard that but it was funny although not accepted in our home!
Gotta go get the boy from school I have been getting rid of toys all day :) It is easier when they are not here!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
1st day of Preschool
He has to take his name and put it in the plastic thingy (I don't remember what it is called) anyways most kids put their name at the lower places or at least not at the VERY TOP Nope not Riley He wants to be on TOP!!
he had a great day at school he came home and told me all about it!!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Oh and I forgot to mention
Weekend fun
We were out on the lake for a while and then came home showered and went to eat YUMMY Mexican food! then to church to set up.
I never realized how old I am I am SOOOOO Sore from the jet skis. My rear hurts also :) I also put sunscreen on 3 or 4 times and guess what I am still stinking sunburned. It is not as bad as it could have been but still.
Sunday we had church, then training, and then we chatted with a friend until about 730 We didn't even realize it was so late. Came home ate at fast food and crashed. I was exhausted. The kids got up this morning at 7:30 way too early for me to crawl out of bed. They watched cartoons and asked me for breakfast at 830. I fixed them breakfast and went back to bed I think Eli and I got up around 1030 or 11. My phone rang and I thought it was his :)
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
School, T-ball, Soccer OH MY!
Autumn had a blast. She told us all about it all in about 5 minutes LOL! She then "Taught" Riley for the rest of the day the poor boy was so bored without her here he just did what she told him (there was no fighting yesterday)
this morning we took Autumn to school and around 9 am he started crying asking if Autumn was done with school yet. Poor boy! So 2:50 came we left to get the girl from school it TOOK US 20 minutes just to get to the front of the carpool lane SERIOUSLY People LEARN to use the carpool lane CORRECTLY
When Autumn finally got in the car Riley told her she was NOT GOING TO SCHOOL TOMORROW!
We are having a blast making and deciding what to make for lunch. Today she had a Cornbread muffin, blueberries, chips, 100 calorie cookies, and water!
Tonight starts T-ball practice and then on Thursday Autumn has soccer practice!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Twas the night before 1st grade
I can not believe it is that time again! I am excited for Zackary as he is now in 7th grade! He is ready to go back but only for the girls and his friends :P Crazy Kids!
Autumn is ready to move into 1st grade she is so giddy that she let me know at 8:00 we needed to start getting prepared for bed :O (I really do not know what to do with her sometimes)
And Riley gets to meet his teacher in the morning! He starts Next week!
So starts a new school year Time to get up and dressed and out the door on time, time to have Autumn breakfast and time for carpools OH THE JOY of pickup lane.
Autumn convinced her Daddy that she NEEDED to go to Zios for her "day before she started 1st grade" lunch! And of course being the good daddy he is he caved! Riley wants to drop Autumn off at school tomorrow and go have ice cream just him and I!
So the most asked questiona I get now are
"What are you going to do with both the babies in school?"To which I answer"I guess I will be eating bon bons and watching soaps"
"Won't you be bored without them there?"
Umm nope I really do have other things that do need to get done that does not just pertain to my kids! I can imagine missing them sure but seriously WHAT IS BORED!
"Are you going to start a real job?"
Is my job not REAL??????
Thats all for now need to finish watching the Olympic Closing Ceremony I LOVE the Olympics!!!! I am sad they are over My kids have been having gymnastics competitions for the last few weeks :)
Friday, August 22, 2008
Meet the Teacher
School starts Monday for Autumn and we have meet the teacher for Riley!! I am excited! I am sad that all my babies are growing up but at the same time I am sad that their babyhood is over. It is a weird feeling I am glad that they are able bodies and can dress themselves and potty and eat by themselves etc but they are not babies anymore. One day they won't need me and that makes me sad! Off to play with my kiddos!!
Oh funny story someone told me the other day "Won't you be bored with all your kids in school?" I obviously said "What is bored"
Others ask me if I am getting a REAL job as if what I do is not real HA!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
I cooked Chocholate Chip muffins from scratch I have never done that before!! I also cooked the kids pancakes for lunch :)
I accidentley reset our clocks in the bedroom last night (I moved all the furniture around) and set the clocks an hour ahead of the time it was! So guess what Eli got up 1 hour before he normally does!! He was not happy :) oops! I thought I slept until 1030 nope it was only 930 so I didn't feel as guilty!!!
I absolutely am LOVING LIFE, loved seeing friends on Monday and love being in ministry! LOVE IT! Not what I thought I would be doing 10 years ago but God knows what is best!! I owe so many people for all the help and encouragement they have given me. Working in the Kids ministry at 121 and learning from that leadership team has been an awesome awesome example for me!! Love you guys and miss you!!
Back to the cleaning!
Friday, August 15, 2008
What a diffrence a year makes!
School starts in like 10 days! Last year I was ready for like a MONTH or so before school making sure Autumn had the perfect 1st day of school outfit, the right shoes, all the school supplies, the right backpack, EVERYTHING
This year she has 1 new pair of shorts (still need a shirt and shoes) and school supplies are still needed but I AM READY Last year I was about freaking out and crying for like 2 months before she went to school, this year I AM READY Can we start on Monday :) Riley will be also going to 2 day preschool from 9-2 He has 1 new pair of shorts and 1 new shirt and some shoes thats it! ANd i am not even worried that he won't be fine I am READY to have 2 FULL days off from the kids and I can focus on other stuff!
What am I looking forward to sitting at Starbucks on my laptop having a drink in silence!, having lunch with friends without my kids interuppting, homework, stories of new friends, art they have done, things they learned etc..... I am so excited for all 3 of them. Zackary is going to 7th grade WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN??????? I am excited for all of them to blossum into new little beings!
The kids are excited about school also! next week is crazy busy we have meet the teachers, grocery shopping, making sure we have clothes to wear, Lunches to be packed, lunch stuff purchased and ready, we have a party on Saturday to go to and then church on Sunday and school on Monday! EXCITING LIFE AT THE SANDERS HOME!
What else is going on? Not a whole bunch! I have to get out today YUCK IT IS TAX FREE WEEKEND and I DO NOT LIKE CROWDS AT ALL I don't think there is a deal good enough for the stress of going out but this will be the only time I have to get it done so...... must fight crowds YUCK!
Friday, August 8, 2008
With that being said I really didn't think through the process very clearly, I had to go reverify our address at Autumn's school (No big deal since all the 1st grade teachers know me) and then I had to go to Riley's school a very traditional LUTHERAN School I am sure they think I am on drugs :)
It's all good!! Let me also clarify that I did ask Joel and Ben's permission to do this to my hair with being the Childrens director and our official launch date comming up :)
OK so I have been up to my ears in trying to get school stuff all ready, this year I am not going out and buying new clothes (they have 1 new outfit for the first day) and we will buy more as the year goes on! I did get Riley some Levi Shorts for 3.80 at Kohls!!! And a Chaps polo for the first day!
Monday, August 4, 2008
I did it!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Six Flags
Zackary and I left at 1030 Am and we rode Every big coaster there was!! I haven't been in 7 YEARS so I was stoked to be able to ride the rides again!!! I had not been on the Superman and was excited that they added a new coaster. Zackary had not been on any of the coasters so he was nervous!
first we rode the Batman Just as much fun as I remember, then we rode the Mr Freeze I forgot to mention to him that it goes in loops but MAN IT WAS A BLAST!!! I made him ride in the Front car because there is no other way to ride REALLY!!
Then we went to Superman, I was really expecting a fast drop since they tore down Cliffhanger It was NOT SCARY Or fun if anything it was relaxing and boring. I was very disappointed as was zack!
We went on to ride and ride and ride!!
We rode the Mr Freeze 3 times in a row, Flashback 3 times in a row, and Batman and Zackary wanted to do the flashback 1 more time I couldn't my head hurt, and I was tired. My age really showed that day!! I also took him on the Giant which is NOT RECOMMENDED It beat us UP!! It broke my shades.
It was fun to hang out with my boy and chat about any and everything, and to have no distractions since he is GLUED to his darn phone all the time. We had a fab time!! He even got a gift for his sister and brother!! I really ENJOYED my date with my boy!!
He is growing so quickly it is insane, he is an inch away from outgrowing me, he has girls texting him, and girls looking and giggling at Six Flags at him. Man I really am going to miss him since he has already gone back home.
Lost Teeth and Tooth fairy
She pulled it all by herself which was huge since she is so dramatic........ so she got a note from the tooth fairy and 6 dollars for pulling it out and doing an awesome job at keeping them all nice and white!
I know the tooth fairy has raised with inflation but since she is 6 we decided that was a good amount! She saves her money like crazy so she won't spend it!
The many jobs as a Mom according to my kids
Are you tired yet???
Anyways so in the midst of all the errands and driving the kids decided we needed to talk, we started talking about my first job which was at sonic and why some people have to work at night etc.... Autumn told me that I have lot of jobs TRUE so her and Riley decided they would list the jobs I have.
these are excatly how they said them
- A mom
- A booboo kisser
- a hair comber
- a person who does a lot with the kids ministry at church
- a homework helper
- a chef (this one was funny it only takes a can of ravioli to make them happy)
- A waitress
- A maid
- A laundry folder person
- A doctor
- A game player
- A tucker inner at night
Who knew 15 years ago that Iwould be a mom seriously I never pictured myself having kids much less staying home with them. I love every stinking minute of it even though sometimes the drama gets to me!!
Picture Day
He came home from being at papa's and Queenies for 10 days He arrived on Saturday and I had to carry him for a whole Hour cause he wanted to Momy to!! He was so excited to be home!!!
Saturday was our Huge Block Party at the Exchange We had a great turnout and met tons of people I love every stinkin minute of it!!! I did however forget to wear reapply sunscreen. I was out there from 1PM to 1030PM so I got a tad burned!! Oh Well we had a blast!
We had a 20 foot water slide and it was a hit, we had a ballon artist, and a face painter, as well as other bounce houses etc. So at the end of the night around 9 after most of the guests were gone I JUST HAD to go down the WATER SLIDE which then started it all. I grabbed a friend and said Lets Go and we went and next thing we knew EVERYONE (most everyone) started going down!! I had a young girl who was still there with her parents that said "I thought you were going to be a BORING ADULT" NOPE Not me!!! We broke all the RULES (DON'T Faint Friends LOL) and we were going head first, rolling etc............. We had a blast!!!!!!
I can NOT believe that school starts again soon!
It is time to start stressing over the first day of school outfit :)
I know my thoughts are a JUMBLED mess but that is my brain lately and well I am learning to be OK with that :)
Oh and if you will PRAY FOR MY GIRLIE we have to take her in to the Dr I think one of her shoulders is higher than the other which is a sign of scholosis which runs in Eli's family. I know it is not always a big deal but it could be.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Random things :)

Riley is gone to Papa's again He would live there if I let him!!
From the reports I have heard he has been having a blast :)
Last night I got to see my good friends step out in faith I am so excited fo them and know they are obeying God. I am so excited to see the rollercoaster God has in store for them!!
School starts in about 1 month CRAZY!! I have been stressing about Riley and Preschool I really wanted him to go to preschool at this school up the street from my house and across the highway from our church office (whic is where we have most of our meetings), and we were too slow. We were number 7 on the wait list. This is a sought after school and his friend from the last preschool will be going there. Riley has been praying at night that he would get to go to this preschool......... So yesterday I got a a phone call and it was the preschool director she wanted to know if we still needed a preschool!!! I had other paperwork that I was going to drop off for another preschool on Monday so I am super EXCITED and it is just down the street from our house YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, July 4, 2008
fireworks and rude people
We found a spot to sit and watch the fireworks and if anyone KNOW Autumn they know she NEVER STOPS TALKING NEVER until Bedtime...... Well for 20-30 minutess last night she did not say a word while the fireworks were going off.......... Eli told me he thought that was some sort of record :) Riley and Zackary were not as amused as Autumn, Riley wanted to go shoot some fireworks out as did zackary.
I told Eli that we must have fireworks everyday so that I can get 20 minutes of peace and quiet from the girl!! (I really do not know who talks so much that she has learned from)
Happy 4th
Thursday, June 26, 2008
I am blessed to be part of such an amazing group of friends and family!
My husband is serving on a jury for a week. CRAZY I have never known anyone to actually sit on a jury. I am glad he is salary becaused it would be crazy to not be paid!
Zackary is at Disney World I am sure he is having a blast. Autumn is hormonal and she is only 6 YIKES!! And riley well he is still my sweet boy who thinks he is 20 and should only play with hammers and pocket knives! CRAZY Boy!!
Oh and our electricity was out yesterday when we got home it rained like crazy and stormed like crazy and all the way home Autumn said Thank goodness we have a garage door opener well it didn't work since we had no electricity. The other side of our street had electricity CRAZY!! And to top it off it was stinking HOT. And all the hotels that I would stay at were full so we opened all of our windows and tried to sleep. Around midnight the AC came on and I woke up and said Praise the Lord. It did help us teach great lessons to our kids about how other people live etc. I was not the happies camper and was proably pretty grumpy but we made t! The tree down the street however did not make it It was split down the middle crazy the storms came out of nowhere!
Off to break up yet another stinking fight between the 2 babies ARGGG
Saturday, June 14, 2008
OK off my soapbox HA!
My boy is comming home TODAY but they (Autumn and Riley ) are staying at their Queenies and Papas hotel overnight. I will have 2 less people to get out of bed at the crack of Dawn to go to church!
My hubby (who by the way is golfing this morning) woke up at 5 AM to get ready to golf, he was going to a friends house to pick him up and then driving to Burleson together. Well that sweet man had the NERVE to wake me up at 5AM and ask me if I remember how to get to their house and what street it was and what number it is.......... Seriously my brain DOES not function at 5 AM especially when we don't go to bed until 1AM!!
Alrighty back to work I go!!
Peace OUT!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
The last day of preschool, Graduation from Kinder, finshing 6th grade. WHEW!
I can not believe school is already out!
The Exchange is going GREAT! It is a very exciting and awesome to see what God is doing.
We have been thinking of selling our house, we decided to wait until all of our debt is paid.
Riley has gone to Eli's parents house for 1 week, I really think he is having a great time and not missing Mommy much! I am sad but happy that he wants to spend time with his grandparents and they are SPOILING him CRAZY!
It is weird only having 1 child here at the house and she is BORED!
Who would have ever guessed but my house is not as clean as I usually keep it, being Children Director takes a lot of time and planning!! I think Eli is suprised and my other friend thinks it is funny :)
I miss all my friends like crazy.
A good friend told me a long time ago not to be afraid of silence and I am learning that silence is a good thing!
My laptop hardrive has crashed 2 times in the last month and all my church stuf was on there......
OK there are my sporadic thoughts of the day
Friday, May 2, 2008
what has been going on?
Autumn can now ride her bike without training wheels, Riley is trying to perfect skateboarding. I am busy working with the Childrens ministry, and Eli is busy with work and whatever I need him to do!!! Love him so much :) Block party on Saturday that is in the works. i LOVE EVERYTHING GOING ON :)
Autumn is abou to be 6 WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN? Aghhhhh
Monday, April 7, 2008
Weekend, Sports Games and Home Improvement
Autumn had a great soccer game as well! She scored 5 goals YIPEEEE!!!! She actually played better this week. I am excited to see the diffrence! So after Riley game and befroe Autumn's we decided to go to the Home Depot to do the Kids Workshop they have for free! Well they were out of kits so we started looking around and decided we wanted to redo our kitchen! So the project is started and I am almost halfway there! My girl I am starting to tutor in Math will be here soon I gotta get ready for her SEE YA!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Bicycle riding, compliments, and stuff :D
First of all after I dropped my sweet angels off at school I ran to Target for some Kid free shopping/ browsing. I needed to get a few supplies for Sunday so as I walk in I am leisurly walking and decided to browse the Orginizing section of Target. While looking this lady said excuse me "I know you do not know me but"........ (I thought she was going to ask about the organizing supplies! Nope not what she said!) She continues with "The other day you were in here with your little boy and I heard him say something about when you get rich and you explained to him that we are RICH and money does not make you rich. True love, having fun and being close to God is being rich all the other stuff is just stuff" She then procedded to tell me that she had not heard such a good explanation is a LONG time and she was going to remember that when her kids ask. We proceeded to talk about diffrent things etc. (I felt like my friend who always meets others at Walmart so I had to ask if she went to church! She does BTW! Anyways we exchanged names and numbers so maybe we can go and have lunch or something I was suprised someone said or even listened to our conversation! She said she wanted to tell me something that day but didn't so when she saw me today she knew she had to say something! I felt like as a parent at least I am not screwing up my kids completly!!
OK on to other things: Today we went out The Exchange our new home church and we were organizing the kids supplies (A bunch of stuff had been donated and some was good and some was not) so I needed to weed through it. While there one of the Pastors and his kids drove up and his kiddos are 5 and 3 well last week the little boy was EXCITED that he was younger than Autumn and he could ride his bike with NO training wheels well my sweet Autumn was NOT up for a boy telling her that so today while there she was RIDING HIS BIKE WITH NO TRAINING WHEELS!!!! I am so stinking excited!!! And to top it off she got to (with 2 other boys) say the Pledges today over the loud speaker at school!!!
And we have had no BIG fights between the two for almost a week!!
Shannon I hope I get to see you while her in Texas!! And Kel call me ANYTIME!!!!!!!
Saturday, March 29, 2008
New Chart


Tuesday, March 25, 2008
The Boys new hobby

Monday, March 24, 2008
So onto other things! The boys wanted to watch Rambo (I know it is not kid friendly) but Riley is in LOVE with "weapons" well he LOVED Rambo and so him and Zackary called me out while playing on the trampoline and this is what I went out to!

Here is proof they really DO LOVE each other even if they all like to fight!! I have to say I have the cutest boys in the whole world but I think every parent feels that way :D

Aren't they so stinking cute???

And I got this of all 3 I love these babies so much!!!

Here is our Easter Picture of the younger 2 babies. Riley has a thing for long sleeve button up shirts with ties and he looks adorable in them so Easter morning I figured he would happily oblige to wear one of the ones he has NOPE he did NOT want to wear them so this is what he wore and this is how he smiled

Oh well this is totally his personality!!
We had an egg hunt at church yesterday and I think for the maybe 10 kids there we had about 150 to 200 eggs it was crazy but the kids had a blast and all day yesterday Riley would be missing and I would go look for him He would be in the kitchen sneaking chocolate. Crazy boy would have it all over his face!
Love you all have a great week!!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Camping Trip





After that we had more park play and exploring our little area. We then HAD TO HAVE Marsmellows on the fire. Those were yummy messy but yummy!
Around 830ish Autumn asked to go to bed and since I was tired also We went to "bed" (Eli wanted to be a sweety so he purchased me an airbed on clearance but we forgot to pack the airpump) so Autumn fell asleep I did a little reading and fell asleep while my wild boys played with the fire and were being goofy.
It rained just a bit on Sun night but not bad! Mon we woke up and the kids had breakfast which consisted of cold pop tarts (yuck) and powdered donuts ( yuck) and a water. I had a bowl of cheerios and a banana. Around 9ishe we headed to the hiking trail. We had a stinking blast hiking around looking at all the diffrent stuff, the cool trees, and just taking in the beauty of God's creation, and just spending time with just us, no TV, no phones, no computer!




After the hike it was lunch time. Then just play time! We had to fish because that is what the kids love to fish (IT IS SO STING BORING). Then Riley got to play with the slingshot which was a HUGE HIT! Then back to the campsite to start the fire and start the burgers! Then after dinner had more marsmellows.
The 2 babies were exhausted so we got them ready to sleep. Right around 9ish the park ranger starts comming around announcing we are in a tornadoe watch with 4-5 inches of rain possible and golf ball size hail. We were going to ride it out but both the babies got a little freaked out and even though they had already fallen asleep we decided that the idea of golf size hail did not sound appealling! So we packed up quickly ( with 2 kids sleeping) 1 kid who just wanted to play in the fire and 2 tired adults. Made it home last night around midnight Eli and I showered and went to sleep. I will totally go camping again even if just for the hike! It was so good to get away and enjoy the family!
So this was the end of the trip here is the cutest picture of the 2 babies while we were packing up!


I have tons more pictures but do not want to bore anyone!!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
What a stinking week
- On Friday while driving on the highway I dozed off and almost wrecked (The Lord had his hand on us for sure) I was so freaked out and so scared as were the kids.
- My debit card
- while at the bank to get cash since my debit card is out I think I threw away my license.
- My dryer broke last night
And suprisingly I am still laughing and VERY calm which if you know me it is very WEIRD :D
Today is the first day of our "New" church it is very odd not to be driving to 121.
We love you all 121ers and will totally MISS seeing you guys today!!
I am sure I will have tons of camping stories when we get back!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Oh and since I am venting HA! our water heated pipe thingy broke (something not the whole thing) so we had to spend money on that and now I am driving around with squeaky brakes I am gonna need a break!!!
Ok thats all tomorrow I will be driving for 8 hours and then on Sunday after church we are going CAMPING LIKE REAL CAMPING IN A TENT CAMPING (totally hubbys idea Love ya sweety) but I am not an outdoorsy girl I mean going to the women's retreat is a big deal for me!
Monday, March 10, 2008
I am trying to let go!
My eyes hurt......
And we had a fab day yesterday eating lunch and getting great advice from very CLOSE LIFELONG friends :D Love you guys!! Oh and I will be stormig your dorm at the Ladies Retreat!
Friday, March 7, 2008
I have been Tagged!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Our Snow pictures :D




What is up with some parents?????
And no it isn't anyone I USUALLY babysit :)
Texas Weather is CRAZY !!

I also am "TRYING" to let go and let Riley dress himself so I thought I had to share what he wore to school this morning!! Doesn't he look FAB!!
I also am "TRYING" to let go and let Riley dress himself so I thought I had to share what he wore to school this morning!!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
We are at least doing somthing right
So today we were going to clean up the new "house" we have for The Exchange church plant and as we were driving this is the conversation Autumn, Riley, and I had
A-"mommy, remember when we took those shoes back that broke that were Riley's?"
M " Yes sweety I do"
A- "What do they do with the broken shoes mommy?"
M- "I am pretty sure they send them back to the people who made them"
A-" Well when those people get them what do they do with them?"
M- " I am not positive but I bet they throw them away since they are broken"
A- "Well why don't they give those shoes to the people who do not have shoes instead of throwing them away?"
M- " Autumn that is an awesome idea"
A- " And what about those toys that no longer work or make the sound, they could give those to those kids also They would LOVE to get those toys"
M-"Well Autumn I think that is such an awesome idea"
A- " Well lets go talk to the people at Target and tell them that they should give that stuff to the people who do not have what we do, Mommy those shoes would be so warm on a kid who doesn't have any shoes"
M- "Autumn that is great but if we go to the Target and ask to speak with someone YOU have to be the one that tells them this,I can't do this for you."
A-" OK mommy but I need you to go with me"
How sweet is it that my 5 1/2 year old is so concerned with others. I love it!! Oh and we will go and speak with someone at Target and see what happens!!! How cool would it be if this came to fuition and how many people that can help!
On another note Eli is better THANK GOD, my throat hurts and my head is killing me.
More late must.go.cook YUCK!
Monday, March 3, 2008
I have been TAGGED!
5 Weird or Random facts about myself :
1) I skydived when I was 30 and am ready to go again!!! My sweet husband gave me that for my birthday!! I am a big thrill seeker! I can't wait for my boy Zackary to want to get on the roller coasters at 6 flags!!!
2) I was Eli's boss when we first started dating. It was a very weird relationship at first!
3) Last year at the women's retreat I gave my SWEET SWEET friend Shannon a HARD time about packing about 8 diffrent shirts for a 2 night stay only to realize I forgot to pack ANY and had to ask her for a few of her extras :D (I so miss you Shannon)
4) I moved out of my moms house at 15 years old and have been on my own since. I have had a job since I was 16. I never wanted kids and never wanted to be a stay at home mom if I were a mom. Kinda ironic that now I have a Math degree and stay at home with my 3 children! (Well we don't really stay at home much)
5) Eli and I were married in Las Vegas and it was the ASBSOLUTE best in the world, short, sweet, and cheap :D
I tag anyone else who wants to play :D
Monday, February 18, 2008
It really is the Little things
First pray for my in laws and all that are in Big Spring, my in laws live about 1 mile from the refinery that had an explosion they have not been able to go to their house and check on their house or their pets. I know those are all replacable but still. They are both OK THANK THE LORD.
So we had errands to run Autumn needs tank tops since all her shirts are a tad too short so we went to Old Navy scored 4 tanks, then to Micheals to pick up a few things Autumn has been asking me to make her a cross shirt but all the crosses I have are too big so we scored a very cute cross, and a frame.
Then off to starbucks since the kids were good so far (hey bribery works :O) then off to Target where I saw an older couple he was in a wheelchair and she was working very hard to help him in the car. I always wonder if I could help them or if they might get mad at the though that they need help. Today the Lord just tugged my heart and I had prayed earlier to give me the oppurtunities to show Jesus' love to others. So with my kids waiting there I went over and asked if I could please help her She was thrilled that I took 2 seconds to fold the wheelchair and put it in the back of her car. The kids told me that Jesus would have done that if he were on the earth :D Anyways just my challenge to whoever reads this :D Do a nice thing for someone else, let them take your place in line, put their basket up, give up that OH SO CLOSE Parking spot whatever not only does it make the other person smile, you are showing a heart like Jesus :D
Saturday, February 16, 2008
We then took Autumn to school and found out her teacher was SICK, so we procedd to her class and find that they do NOT HAVE A SUB yet :( So I volunteered to stay there until they get one! The kids know me as I am in there 2 times a week working with them etc. so I figured they would have a sub shortly. NOPE not until 10 ish did they have a sub so I basically subbed (There was another lady that actually is an employee of the school in there) and I was totally not PREPARED to do that!!! I did however embrace it and just went with the flow! We did Valentine day bags for the kids to put their valentines in and the little boy (CLASS CLOWN) sits next to Autumn and he drew her a heart and wrote I LOVE YOU in it (I happened to be walking by and saw it) she just smilled and went back to work on her bag. So I think my girlie has a little boy that likes her :) kinda sweet. Funny thing is the kids know me and they all know my name and I had one little boy that kept calling me "HEY" and I said "Sweety my name is not HEY it is Mrs. sanders" He did it all DAY!!!!! Anyways it is very interesting to see the diffrent kiddos and how they adapt to subs! Autumn does really well when I am in there she acts like I am just another teacher because she knows I can not pay her special attention!!
Oh and Riley was in there with us and was a GREAT Kinder for the day!! He did have cookies aty 930 and Ice Cream at the girls party at 1015 and then for their patience I fed them MCDonalds for lunch :D
Oh and Kinder wears a little boy out Riley took a nap yesterday :D so Autumn and I cuddled on the couch for a bit and she said " MOMMY YOU ARE THE BEST MOMMY I AM SO GLAD GOD GAVE ME TO YOU" I love that girlie!!!
It was a great day and The LORD really gave me patience like I prayed during the "moment of silence" at school. Most people who know me know that I do not think teaching or being around kids is my "gift" but Ithink the Lord has a diffrent view on my "gifts" :)
A few of the teachers actually told me that I need to be their new SUB :D
Maybe in a few years when Riley is at school! And now I need to sign him up for a new preschool for the next year he will go to a 2 day preschool that is 930ish to 2 ish. (HOPEFULLY)
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
My kiddos
Autumn came up to me last night after her shower as she was getting dressed in her PJ's and she said "Mommy, are you going to do laundry today because I am out of PJ's?" I know for a fact she has about 4 pairs but she can only wear them 1 time and then they go in the dirty clothes! (She gets that from me so I cannot argue :D )
We played UNO last night I won 2 games and Riley won 2 games!! Off to start my day!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
What a morning :D
Oh and his new career choice is to be an ARMY MAN and you want to know why?????? So he can shoot at a bunch of houses and blow them up???????????
Monday, February 11, 2008
An Autumn Funny
One of Riley's new favorite shows to watch is American gladiator Crazy kiddo!!
Zackary likes to call me and say Hey mom, how are you I love you can you put some money on my phone??
Eli took Autumn to her FAVORITE restraunt ZIOS after their dance on Saturday. She loves their bread and oil.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Daddy Daughter Dance
Anyways so when Eli and Autumn left Riley and I went on a date!!! We went first to the car wash (hey my car was gross :O ) and then he chose Pizza Hut to eat for dinner. After dinner we went for ice cream at Baskin Robins and he got to add in sprinkles. Then to top off our bestest date he got to come home and take a bath ALL BY HIMSELF! And well I don't like baths so I don't usually let them take one there is something about sitting in your own dirt that irks me.
I will post pictures soon of my handsome hubby and my gorgeous little girl!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Lets backtrack 12 years ago I had Zackary CAN WE SAY MAJOR CHANGE I was mearly 18 but I enjoyed all of his years. By time he was 3 his father and I seperated it was a horrible relationship that I wanted or rather needed to work so badly that I tried all I could think of.
Anyways fast forward a few years move to Irving with Eli, get married in 00, graduate with my Accounting degree, worked full time while pregnant and in school, have a sweet baby girl in 02, and a fiesty red head boy in 04. WHEW Lots of change! In 04 we purchased our first house have the GREATEST neighbors ever!! In 00 decided after Autumn was born to not work (I have worked an outside job since I was 15) so that is HUGE! In 05 said neighbors have a BBQ get together and invite us, now they had been trying to get us to try their church since we moved in and we were not open to that idea, it is their Life Group party. I meet Shannon (another Red haead I might add) and we hit it off right away. Woke up that Sunday and decided to try their church. WE LOVED IT! So we started going and now we have developed LOTS of great friendships and bonds with great friends. Now we are changing again we have prayed ferverantly about the exciting oppurtunity of a church plant in our area.
And to top it all off we have decided to finally get serious about paying off all of our debt. We started that this past week paid off a few bills and wouldn't you know my MICROWAVE died that same DAY!!! ok so the microwave is not a huge deal WAIT who am I kidding it is HUGE!
See change is hard but good and exciting.
I also am working on changing my outlook of being jobless I know in my brain that my job (BEING A MOMMY) is the most rewarding but sometimes it is HARD to feel that.
A great friend of mine gave me a book for my birthday called "The Mission of Motherhood"
It is a great read if you need encouragment.
Are you smarter than a 5th grader?
There are 7 girls on a bus.Each girl has 7 backpacks.In each backpack, there are 7 big cats.For every big cat, there are 7 little cats.Question: How many legs are there in the bus?
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Blah Blah Blah
OK on to more things!
We went to the Home Depot free clinic for the kids this past weekend and they made stools (IF YOU DON'T GO YOU SHOULD IT IS FREE!!) and we went to the craft store afterwards for another craft (CHEAP 2.00) and picked up paint to paint the stools!
Now anyone who knows me knows I DO NOT like a mess YUCK YUCK but I did it I sent them to the backyard with an old sheet and their paint in a little bowl with a foam paint brush and they painted and painted until it was all gone! They had paint in their hair ( I Still don't know how) and on their feet, on their bodies EVERYWHERE) but they had fun and didn't fight for almost 30 minutes BONUS!! Then yesterday we made cakeball YUMMY but not good for the waist HA! and I let them mix them without licking the spoons until after we were done. Then they had cake mix EVERYWHERE In the hair (HOW IN THE WORLD DOES THAT HAIR KEEP GETTING IN THE WAY??) on their foreheads (picture little heads inside big bowls).
We did have fun!
I am also tutoring my neighbor in Algebra I LOVE IT! and she is getting it!!!
We have also been doing Dave Ramsey and guess what my microwave died last night WOULDN'T you know HMMMM! That all for now I need to do a few prints and get Riley ready for school!!!