Monday, February 18, 2008

It really is the Little things

in life that matter.

First pray for my in laws and all that are in Big Spring, my in laws live about 1 mile from the refinery that had an explosion they have not been able to go to their house and check on their house or their pets. I know those are all replacable but still. They are both OK THANK THE LORD.

So we had errands to run Autumn needs tank tops since all her shirts are a tad too short so we went to Old Navy scored 4 tanks, then to Micheals to pick up a few things Autumn has been asking me to make her a cross shirt but all the crosses I have are too big so we scored a very cute cross, and a frame.

Then off to starbucks since the kids were good so far (hey bribery works :O) then off to Target where I saw an older couple he was in a wheelchair and she was working very hard to help him in the car. I always wonder if I could help them or if they might get mad at the though that they need help. Today the Lord just tugged my heart and I had prayed earlier to give me the oppurtunities to show Jesus' love to others. So with my kids waiting there I went over and asked if I could please help her She was thrilled that I took 2 seconds to fold the wheelchair and put it in the back of her car. The kids told me that Jesus would have done that if he were on the earth :D Anyways just my challenge to whoever reads this :D Do a nice thing for someone else, let them take your place in line, put their basket up, give up that OH SO CLOSE Parking spot whatever not only does it make the other person smile, you are showing a heart like Jesus :D

1 comment:

Purple Teacup said...

You made that lady's day...that's what it's all about- LOVING each other. Proud of you.