Friday, August 15, 2008

What a diffrence a year makes!

gets busy and then you forget stuff!! So if I don't write it down how it flows from my brain I will forget!

School starts in like 10 days! Last year I was ready for like a MONTH or so before school making sure Autumn had the perfect 1st day of school outfit, the right shoes, all the school supplies, the right backpack, EVERYTHING

This year she has 1 new pair of shorts (still need a shirt and shoes) and school supplies are still needed but I AM READY Last year I was about freaking out and crying for like 2 months before she went to school, this year I AM READY Can we start on Monday :) Riley will be also going to 2 day preschool from 9-2 He has 1 new pair of shorts and 1 new shirt and some shoes thats it! ANd i am not even worried that he won't be fine I am READY to have 2 FULL days off from the kids and I can focus on other stuff!

What am I looking forward to sitting at Starbucks on my laptop having a drink in silence!, having lunch with friends without my kids interuppting, homework, stories of new friends, art they have done, things they learned etc..... I am so excited for all 3 of them. Zackary is going to 7th grade WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN??????? I am excited for all of them to blossum into new little beings!

The kids are excited about school also! next week is crazy busy we have meet the teachers, grocery shopping, making sure we have clothes to wear, Lunches to be packed, lunch stuff purchased and ready, we have a party on Saturday to go to and then church on Sunday and school on Monday! EXCITING LIFE AT THE SANDERS HOME!

What else is going on? Not a whole bunch! I have to get out today YUCK IT IS TAX FREE WEEKEND and I DO NOT LIKE CROWDS AT ALL I don't think there is a deal good enough for the stress of going out but this will be the only time I have to get it done so...... must fight crowds YUCK!

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