Thursday, March 6, 2008

What is up with some parents?????

OK I know some kids are PICKY but there are parents who just annoy the crap out of me. There is one thing about giving your children choices and offering healthy foods, then there are the parents that really just feed their kiddos nothing but crap. I was called by someone today to watch their kiddos, OK NO problem, then he comes to my door and says Oh can you feed them lunch (it is 1:00PM) so I say sure, he says I have their lunch in the car OK better, I get it in tell them they need to sit at the table (they looked at me like I was crazy), so I opened the bag that was "lunch" and it was tortillas with queso that is it. Now I realize that isn't the worst it coulb be but I was sure it would be at least some protein or something. That seriously would be a snack for my children.

And no it isn't anyone I USUALLY babysit :)

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