Monday, September 29, 2008


OUCH OUCH OUCH! Friday in an attempt to get rid of some stuff we no longer need I climbed into the attic as I always do to put something up. Well I slipped off the stairs while putting a heavy chest up in the attic. Well I fell and it fell on my foot OUCH. Today I am doing better it doesn't hurt as much but my back is killing me I hope that I just slept wrong on it! I told my sweet hubby last night that I am falling apart I feel old :)

On another note today I have a dentist appt OHHHH I HATE THE DENTIST I have had soooooo many bad experiences with them in the past I put it off so long.

For the last 2 nights the kids have had a "sleepover" on Autumn's floor so we put out a comforter and pillows and they had a sleepover. They are such goof balls.

Off to another week I guess I hope I feel no pain soon .

Monday, September 22, 2008

Love it

I LOVE Target!!! Love it!! I went today to decompress and get some bacon :) At the dollar Spot they have silicone muffin cups I love those!!! I use them to pack the kids lunches so that the "fruit juice" doesn't run and touch the other food. plus I love to bake in the silicone it makes for easy cleanup and are very useful! I really need to do laundry YUCK!! and really don't wanna do it! I got to get some work done before I go pick up my kiddos so thats all folks :)

Saturday, September 13, 2008

What God has been doing??

So many times in my life I have not listened to God, Have not obeyed, have not trusted God. I am not a naturally gentle person when I talk, I am learning that is not always a good thing!
I am finnally growing in ways that I can finally see and learn from. God has stretched me SOOO much and given me more than I thought I could take. I think I have finally found something that I am meant to be doing. I find JOY in it I am excited, I am happy, I am not stressed about it, When I talk about it I get giddy!! I love serving with those sweet kids LOVE IT! Funny how 12 or 13 years ago I did not want to be a Mom, did not want to be a SAHM for sure, wanted to be in Law School had major plans for my life. I got pregnant with Zack and went back to work when he turned 6 weeks old, and worked a lot. After Eli and I married and had Autumn I always knew I would go back to work. Well after she was born I had the priveledge of staying home with her. Then we had Riley and still staying home! I never never thought I would be smack dab in the middle of a Church Plant working in the Children's Department.

It is amazing when you finally realize that Satan is attacking you and you can defend yourself with God's Word and by reconizing that Satan is attacking you. It has taken me a LONG LONG time to figure that out!

I had a conversation with my sweet friend on Tuesday morning telling her I was going to come to her Life Group and then about 2 minutes later I texted her and told her I can't go. WHY you ask just because I all of a sudden felt unprepared for the Launch, overwhelmed, nervous, stressed, and basically like I am a horrible Children's leader, a horrible leader in general. I reconized pretty quickly Satan was filling my head and I spent a bit of time in prayer and immersed in god's Word. I am just wondering just what excactly my sweet frien Kelly was thinking that morning :) and poor Riley was wondering WHY he had to get dressed and then just sit and watch a movie.


My oh my how much my baby boy has grown! He will always be the baby boy (don't tell him it might embarress him)

He called me last night and said Hey Mom whats up? as the conversation progresses he finally got to what he really called me about a phone number of a GIRL here in the area! And for money :) Why else would a 12 year old call his mommy on a Friday night!

Oh and he had to hang up cause his friend was comming back in the room :P

I am amazed at what a young man he is becomming, I am in disbelief that he is almost 13 FREAKING YEARS OLD CRAZY!!

School is well he is doing his work so far and keeping out of trouble so far!


He had a T-ball game this morning and they still played although it started raining! I had to be at a Next gen meeting so I missed his game. He told me when he came to the "church" that he was the DIRTIEST so he must have played harder!! Yes because even in T-Ball you MUST slide home!! He really is a stinking hoot! I can not believe how big he has gotten! I can not believe in 4 months he will be 5 years old!! He told me last night that he really really wants a nail gun for his birthday :) He is really a different kind of kid!

His new sayings (most are what his mommy says :) )
  • Uhhhhhhh YEA (I always say that I guess)
  • Obviously (He says this to his sister often)

Monday, September 8, 2008

Soccer and T-ball

I have come to find out my titles are very very lame!

We had our first Soccer game Sat Autumn played the WHOLE HOUR! And we moved up to the bigger fields so it was about a half extra field. Her calves were killing her that night and Sunday.

She is a VERY dramatic child I thought it would get better but not yet! On Thursday we went to see a sweet friends baby and we had Soccer practice so I took her workout clothes and all the soccer gear and changed there. We forgot her shoes (school) there and the next morning she had a DRAMA Attack before school cause she didn't have her BLACK SHOES and had to wear lace up tennis shoes with socks OH THE HORROR.

Along with the we don't like her as much as we like Riley and we have a full day of drama!

Riley had his first T-ball game as well and he really loves it! His new thing is to blame everything from hitting his sister, to makng a mess on someone that doesn't live with us It is pretty comical! And yesterday morning on the way to church Autumn was talking and talking and talking and he said SHUT YOUR MOUTH I am not sure where he heard that but it was funny although not accepted in our home!

Gotta go get the boy from school I have been getting rid of toys all day :) It is easier when they are not here!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

1st day of Preschool

Here is riley at his Meet the teacher day with his teachers! Isn't he so stinkin cute :

Here he is this morning getting ready to leave to go to school :)


He has to take his name and put it in the plastic thingy (I don't remember what it is called) anyways most kids put their name at the lower places or at least not at the VERY TOP Nope not Riley He wants to be on TOP!!

he had a great day at school he came home and told me all about it!!
Autumn has had an awesome time at school she is so funny she talls me everything that goes on at school!! We have our first soccer and T-ball game on Saturday!
Pray for our church the offical launch date is Sept 14th!! I can not believe it!!! CRAZY But amazing :)

Monday, September 1, 2008

Oh and I forgot to mention

I am on the PTA board this year cause you know I don't have any thing else going on :) I am really excited though I love working for the kids school. I really want to know the teachers more and am loving the school teachers so far!

Weekend fun

This weekend the in laws came in (Have I said how much I adore my in laws) they brought in the jet skis and on Saturday we went out on the lake Man it was sooo much fun LOVED IT! I was good I let other people ride them also :) Zackary and I went out on the jet skis we were proably out for like an 1 or 2 before we came back in! We flipped several times ok LOTS of times It was a blast! we also flipped the jet ski over and it hit my head OUCH!! Being the great son I have he said "oh mom it is proably just a concussion just shake it off" How sweet is that??

We were out on the lake for a while and then came home showered and went to eat YUMMY Mexican food! then to church to set up.

I never realized how old I am I am SOOOOO Sore from the jet skis. My rear hurts also :) I also put sunscreen on 3 or 4 times and guess what I am still stinking sunburned. It is not as bad as it could have been but still.

Sunday we had church, then training, and then we chatted with a friend until about 730 We didn't even realize it was so late. Came home ate at fast food and crashed. I was exhausted. The kids got up this morning at 7:30 way too early for me to crawl out of bed. They watched cartoons and asked me for breakfast at 830. I fixed them breakfast and went back to bed I think Eli and I got up around 1030 or 11. My phone rang and I thought it was his :)