Monday, March 24, 2008


WOW What a week and a weekend!! We had a great time! Our week was great and fun filled!
So onto other things! The boys wanted to watch Rambo (I know it is not kid friendly) but Riley is in LOVE with "weapons" well he LOVED Rambo and so him and Zackary called me out while playing on the trampoline and this is what I went out to!

Here is proof they really DO LOVE each other even if they all like to fight!! I have to say I have the cutest boys in the whole world but I think every parent feels that way :D

Aren't they so stinking cute???

And I got this of all 3 I love these babies so much!!!

Here is our Easter Picture of the younger 2 babies. Riley has a thing for long sleeve button up shirts with ties and he looks adorable in them so Easter morning I figured he would happily oblige to wear one of the ones he has NOPE he did NOT want to wear them so this is what he wore and this is how he smiled

Oh well this is totally his personality!!

We had an egg hunt at church yesterday and I think for the maybe 10 kids there we had about 150 to 200 eggs it was crazy but the kids had a blast and all day yesterday Riley would be missing and I would go look for him He would be in the kitchen sneaking chocolate. Crazy boy would have it all over his face!

Love you all have a great week!!


Purple Teacup said...

Is Autumn going to a cocktail party? =) Love you!

Mel said...

Cry...pout...lamenting not seeing sweet Sanders anymore... IS grillin' weather, we need to hang out soon!