Saturday, February 16, 2008


So Friday was Autumn Valentine party so it was to be the last hour of her day! No problem :D I had plans on going up to school at 930 to help get set up etc. I woke up and got showered, dressed, makeup on etc. ( I had to go in to school with Autumn as I had something to drop off) and Riley woke up at 630 which is when Autumn gets up to start her day Him waking that early is UNUSUAL!! So I went ahead and fed him, got him dressed, combed his hair, and had him bruss his teeth.

We then took Autumn to school and found out her teacher was SICK, so we procedd to her class and find that they do NOT HAVE A SUB yet :( So I volunteered to stay there until they get one! The kids know me as I am in there 2 times a week working with them etc. so I figured they would have a sub shortly. NOPE not until 10 ish did they have a sub so I basically subbed (There was another lady that actually is an employee of the school in there) and I was totally not PREPARED to do that!!! I did however embrace it and just went with the flow! We did Valentine day bags for the kids to put their valentines in and the little boy (CLASS CLOWN) sits next to Autumn and he drew her a heart and wrote I LOVE YOU in it (I happened to be walking by and saw it) she just smilled and went back to work on her bag. So I think my girlie has a little boy that likes her :) kinda sweet. Funny thing is the kids know me and they all know my name and I had one little boy that kept calling me "HEY" and I said "Sweety my name is not HEY it is Mrs. sanders" He did it all DAY!!!!! Anyways it is very interesting to see the diffrent kiddos and how they adapt to subs! Autumn does really well when I am in there she acts like I am just another teacher because she knows I can not pay her special attention!!

Oh and Riley was in there with us and was a GREAT Kinder for the day!! He did have cookies aty 930 and Ice Cream at the girls party at 1015 and then for their patience I fed them MCDonalds for lunch :D

Oh and Kinder wears a little boy out Riley took a nap yesterday :D so Autumn and I cuddled on the couch for a bit and she said " MOMMY YOU ARE THE BEST MOMMY I AM SO GLAD GOD GAVE ME TO YOU" I love that girlie!!!

It was a great day and The LORD really gave me patience like I prayed during the "moment of silence" at school. Most people who know me know that I do not think teaching or being around kids is my "gift" but Ithink the Lord has a diffrent view on my "gifts" :)

A few of the teachers actually told me that I need to be their new SUB :D

Maybe in a few years when Riley is at school! And now I need to sign him up for a new preschool for the next year he will go to a 2 day preschool that is 930ish to 2 ish. (HOPEFULLY)

1 comment:

Purple Teacup said...

I think you would make a great teacher- you are wonderful with children and you don't put up with BS. Clayton misses Autumn...